EOFY Checklist for Businesses

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The end of Financial Year 2022-2023 is rapidly approaching.

As a business owner it is time to review your tax affairs, if not yet done, to ensure you are complying with next years regulations and to maximise any planning strategies going forward.

The checklist below summarises some key points that may be relevant going into the next financial year.

Some key dates coming up:

  • 16 June 2023 – Process June 2023 Super
  • 14 July 2023 – STP Finalisations to be lodged with the ATO

If you would like to find out more or would like to discuss your year end tax planning or assistance with lodging your Single Touch Payroll finalisation or Taxable Payment Annual Report, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Accrued expenses Ensure you accrue expenses where you have a present existing liability to pay the expense irrespective of the fact that you may receive the invoice or make the payment after year end.
Bad debts Review your debtors listing and determine whether any debts can be written off. A written record should be kept evidencing the decision to write off the debt from the accounts.
Bonuses If you have not paid your bonuses by 30 June, you may still be able to claim a deduction provided you have an obligation to pay this. To substantiate this, ensure the amount is quantifiable and approved (via minutes) and the staff are notified of the bonus.
Deferring income The ability of a business to defer income will depend on each business, cash flows and the type of income derived.
Plant and equipment Consider the impact of the temporary full expensing provisions on depreciating assets purchased during the 2022-23 income year.
Plant and equipment – obsolete Review your asset register and write off any assets that have been disposed or are no longer in use.
Prepayments – immediate deductions If you are a small or medium business (aggregated turnover of less than $50 million), you may be entitled to an immediate deduction for certain prepaid expenses where the goods or services will be provided within 12 months from the date of expenditure. Examples of items that may be deductible under the 12-month rule include subscriptions and prepayments of interest on a loan used for income producing purposes.
Simplified trading stock rules If you are a small business (aggregated turnover of less than $50 million), the simplified trading stock rules may apply. Broadly, you do not have to account for changes in trading stock for tax purposes where the difference between the value of the original opening stock and a reasonable estimate of the closing stock is $5,000 or less.
Stock – obsolete Review your stock on hand and identify any obsolete stock. You should conduct a detailed physical stock take of all stock on
30 June. Retain your detailed stock sheets as part of your taxation records.
Superannuation – June 2023 If you would like to claim a deduction for your superannuation guarantee accrued during the June 2023 quarter, ensure it is paid by 30 June 2023. The amount should be received into the employees’ fund by 30 June 2023.
Depreciating assets If you plan on purchasing depreciating assets, ensure you have purchased and installed the asset ready to use by 30 June 2023 to claim the full amount of the depreciation in the 2022-2023 financial year.
Single Touch Payroll Ensure year end payroll procedures have been completed, reconciled and a finalisation declaration lodged for your employees by 14 July 2023.
Taxable Payment Annual Reports (TPAR) If you are in these following industries, you will need to prepare a TPAR:

  • Building and construction
  • Cleaning services
  • Courier services
  • Road freight services
  • Information technology services
  • Security, investigation or surveillance services
  • Mixed services (provides one or more of the services listed above)

Your TPAR must be lodged with the ATO by 28 August 2023

Loans Ensure your loans to and from any companies and trusts comply with the current Division 7A provision and ensure you have made the minimum repayments during the year for any complying Division 7A loans.
Dividends Ensure you have reviewed your franking account and record any dividends paid to shareholders in your accounting systems. Ensure you have met your documentation / notification requirements.
Trust Resolutions In general and subject to the terms of the Trust Deed, a discretionary trust needs to resolve how to distribute its income in writing before 30 June. These resolutions are on their way to you from us.
Minimum Wage Increase The National Minimum Wage will increase to $882.80 per week or $23.23 per hour and there will be a 5.75% increase to minimum Award wages.
This increase applies from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2023 for more information visit the Fair Work website.