Our Story
For some, it’s about being the very best, and having the money and prestige to back it up. For others, it’s simply having the resources to do the job you love.
At Accura, we believe everyone has the right to succeed, whatever that might look like for you. So we provide tailored advice, ongoing support, and a trusted service to build the solid foundations that allow you to succeed.
That’s because we’re not just one service.
In late 2020, PSZ Accounting and Newcombe Clifton Atkins Accountants joined forces to provide our clients with more choice, and a better service, all under one brand. We each brought over 40 years’ experience with us, to create a unified financial and business advice firm that helps you turn your vision into reality.
Think of us as your tax expert, your business ally, your bookkeeper, and your personal wealth advisor, all in one. Our passion is helping you turn your financial goals into a reality. We go beyond the numbers to provide our clients with the trusted advice and support you need, when you need it.
After all, success has to start somewhere. At Accura, we’ll help you get there.

Meet the team
Your Accura success partners
Whatever your goals, whatever your situation, we’ll connect you with the specialist advice and support you need. Meet the team you’ll work with to achieve your financial goals.